GTA V: Worldbuilding 101

January 4, 2022

While we are waiting for the release of GTA VI, which might take another decade, we decided to discuss GTA V and its lasting contributions to the video game industry. More specifically, we want to talk about the characters and plotlines explored in the game and how they add up to the existing Grand Theft Auto Universe.

Three Protagonists, Three Stories Merging into One

The most apparent difference between GTA V and the other games from the franchise is that it features three playable characters. We are no longer privy to the perspective of one protagonist, whether that be CJ, Niko, or Tommy, but to whole three of them.

This move by Rockstar was not only revolutionary in terms of storytelling, but also in terms of the gameplay itself, which allows you to pick which character to follow and sometimes (during missions) requires you to switch between them as the action is unfolding.

The storyline starts with Michael Townley (later De Santa) who commits a robbery in North Yankton, and later joins a witness protection system. However, he’s only playable for the first mission.

The first actually playable character is Franklin Clinton, a young gangbanger from Los Santos, living only a street away from the place where we all grew up, Grove Street. As he navigates the crime life, he accidentally encounters Michael, which brings the playable characters to two.

Michael is pulled back into the game, as his supposed namesake Michael Corleone, and he finds a friend and a protégé in Franklin. Trevor Phillips, the third protagonist, joins in later and from what we know, his sole motivation is to wreak havoc.

These three distinctive characters allow us to experience three very different perspectives and essentially become three different criminals. The way in which their characters come together is creative and exciting, while their individual lives remain fascinating.

A unique characteristic of GTA V is that the characters do their own thing when you’re not playing them. Who can forget finding Trevor in a dress in the middle of nowhere?

Main Missions and Side Quests

There is a main storyline that players must follow to finish the game. There are exactly 69 main missions, which see the worlds of Michael, Trevor and Franklin turned around. They encounter countless friends and enemies on their path, which culminates in one of the best final missions.

However, a lot of missions feel like final missions due to their sheer cinematicity and technical complexity. The game has you on the edge of the seat at all times.

While you have to follow the main storyline, you can also do side missions (58) to earn XP and to learn the ropes. Once you finish the game, you can take on new missions as well. You can also run a business, play golf, get off your head at the bar or lose everything in the casino.

Of course, once you finish the story, you can start playing GTA Online, which allows you to test your crime skills against real players. There are many new events every month, which keeps the game interesting.


It wouldn’t be a GTA V article if we don’t mention the brilliant satire of the game. The interactions between the protagonists and their family and associates are funny enough, but once you turn on the radio or join the Scientology-like cult Epsilon, you’d really appreciate the humour that their world is bathed in.

One fan suggested a wild theory about that, arguing that the satirical commercials, products, and characters are only funny in the eyes of the protagonists and the player. The user claims that the protagonists view the world this way, because they’re cynical. The world, the user argues, is much less parodical as it resembles our own closely.

Easter Eggs

This article discussed GTA V on a macro-level in a way in which the game wouldn’t be spoilt to people who haven’t played it. Now it’s time to show you it’s just as good on a micro-level by giving you our favourite easter eggs:

  • Bigfoot exists – the player can not only spot Bigfoot, it can turn into him by eating peyote!
  • Aliens exist – there are multiple proofs for their existence such as the frozen alien in North Yankton and the UFO ship
  • Ghosts exist – you can find one at a specific location
  • Playboy Mansion – relax like Hef at the Playboy Mansion
  • Mount Chiliad – players are still trying to understand the mysterious wall painting on Mount Chiliad
  • The Infinite 8 – this is a mystery concerning the Infinity Murders; go to Sandy Shores to explore it
  • Black Dahlia – the players can investigate the murder of a woman, which uncannily resembles the real-life Black Dahlia murder
  • Madam Nazar Fortune Telling Machine – buy this arcade machine to hear some interesting fortunes
  • Vinewood Zombie and Jesus – there are some funny street performers in Los Santos and these two are our favourite
  • Ted Kaczynski – by translating the morse code message on (using the game browser), you’ll get a Unabomber-esque statement
  • LA Noire – a few references to the 2011 video game
  • Murder Mystery – an exclusive mission that can be only accessed by returning players
  • Phone numbers – there are a bunch of numbers you can call in GTA V, check them out here